Tape: Steve Wynn Live at Scavenger Records on 1998-02-14

File UnderSteve Wynn
DateFeb 14, 1998+1 alternative recordings
RecordingUnknown Mini Disc -> CDR -> cdparanoia -> SHN
TaperKasper Kvist
LMA wynn1998-02-14.shnf
DownloadMP3 as ZIP, M3U
From Steve Wynn's diary:
Had a ball yesterday playing an acoustic in-store with Wes yesterday at Scavenger Records in Arhus. This rare record-store concert (I generally hate them; all you have to do is see 'Spinal Tap' to see what a bad idea in-stores can be) was the result of a conversation last year with my friends Hans and 'Sailor John.' Wes and I did the folk duo thing, trading jokes and solos and searching for worthwhile souveneirs from the shop.
1That's Why I Wear Black[+]
2If My Life Was An Open Book[+]
3The Blue Drifter[+]
4Killing Time[+]
5Something To Remember Me By[+]
6Window Seat[+]

Sound from Live Music Archive wynn1998-02-14.shnf


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