Tape: Steve Wynn Live at Paard on 2005-12-03
File Under | Steve Wynn |
Date | Dec 03, 2005+ |
Recording | Soundbourd (matrixgroup) with 2 Neumann KM185's |
Source | sbd |
Soundquality | 9 |
Taper | songhunter |
LMA  | stevewynn2005-12-03.flac16 |
Download | MP3 as ZIP, M3U |
About |
Steve Wynn(g)
Jason Victor(g)
Linda Pitmon(d)
Erik Van Loo (b)
OK, the last one of the fab four winternights 2005 with Steve Wynn and the Miracle 3 in the Netherlands. This was a absolutely the most passionate one, with the fewest audience. Only 70 people I think saw a stunning set by our friends. It was their way to say goodbye to the Netherlands. I was there with Maarten and Larry (who came over from NYC to see Amsterdam and the Hague and enjoy the Dutch clichés. I stood rooted to the spot; so did my Yamaha MDX-E100. Such a pitty, lot's of problems with the first song "When the curtains fall". Anyway problems or not this is a MUST HAVE for all the fans of Steve, excellent show with a songhunter sound (-; | |
Setlist |
1 | Intro
2 | When The Curtain Falls(some dropouts)[+]
3 | Bruises[+]
4 | Cindy, It was always you[+]
5 | Sustain[+]
6 | What Comes After[+]
7 | Whatever You Please[+]
8 | Southern California Line[+]
9 | Merritville[+]
10 | No tomorrow[+]
11 | Wild Mercury[+]
12 | Under The Weather[+]
13 | Freak Star[+]
14 | 500 Girl Mornings[+]
15 | Wired[+]
16 | The deep end[+]
17 | Killing Me[+]
18 | There Will Come A Day[+]
19 | That's What You Always Say[+]
20 | Amphetamine[+]
21 | Boston[+]
22 | Nothing But The Shell[+]
23 | The Days Of Wine And Roses[+]
24 | When You Smile[+]
© All rights for music and text on these pages belongs to Steve Wynn