Number of tapes by City, Venue, and Artist
Richmond, VA, USA(1) ?(3) Aalesund, Norway(1) Aarhus, Denmark(11) Affalter, Germany(1) Albany, NY, USA(1) Alexandra, VA, USA(1) Allston, MA, USA(1) Alzano Lombardo, BG, Italy(1) Amersfoort, Holland(1) Amsterdam, Holland(21) Ancona, Italy(1) Ann Arbor, MI, USA(2) Annapolis, MD, USA(1) Ansbach, Germany(1) Antwerpen, Belgium(2) Apeldoorn, Holland(4) Ardmore, PA, USA(1) Arlington, VA, USA(1) Asbury Park, NJ, USA(1) Aschaffenburg, Germany(1) Asheville, NC, USA(1) Assen, Holland(2) Athens, GA, USA(6) Athina, Greece(12) Atlanta, GA, USA(12) Austin, Tx(1) Austin, TX, USA(24) Avellino, Italy(2) Aviano, Italy(1) Bad Frankenhausen, Germany(1) Baltimore, MD, USA(2) Barcelona, Spain(3) Belgium TV één(1) Belgrade, Serbia(1) Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro(1) Bell Canyon, CA, USA(1) Bellizza, Italy(1) Beograd, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(1) Beograd, Serbia(1) Bergamo, Italy(1) Bergen, Norway(7) Berkeley, CA, USA(5) Berlin, Germany(9) Berwyn, IL, USA(1) Bielefeld, Germany(3) Bilbao, Spain(7) Birmingham, AL, USA(1) Birmingham, UK(1) Bishop, IL, USA(1) Bo, Norway(2) Boca Raton, FL, USA(1) Bochum, Germany(3) Bodø, Norway(1) Boise, ID, USA(1) Bologna, Italy(9) Bonn, Germany(2) Bordeaux, France(2) Bordentown, NJ, USA(2) Borås, Sweden(3) Boston, MA, USA(15) Bovina Center, NY(1) Braunschweig, Germany(1) Breda, Holland(2) Bredene, Belgium(1) Bremen, Germany(1) Brescia, Italy(2) Brisighella, Italy(1) Bristol, U.K.(1) Bristol, UK(1) Brooklyn, NY(1) Brooklyn, NY, USA(11) Bruges, Belgium(1) Brussel, Belgium(5) Bruxelles, Belgium(2) Buffalo, NY, USA(2) Burgos, Spain(1) Cádiz, Spain(1) Cambridge, MA, USA(5) Camden, NJ, USA(1) Camden, U.K.(1) Campano, Italy(1) Cantu, Italy(3) Carrboro, NC, USA(2) Caserta, Italy(1) Catanzaro, Italy(1) Cesena, Italy(1) Cesenatico (FC), Italy(1) Cesenatico, Italy(1) Champaign, IL, USA(2) Charleston, VA, USA(1) Charlotte, NC, USA(1) Charlottesville, VA, USA(1) Chicago, IL, USA(18) Chicago, ILL, USA(2) Cinquefondi (Rc), Italy(1) Cleveland, OH, USA(12) Collegno, Italy(1) Columbia, MO, USA(1) Columbus, OH, USA(1) Concord, MA(1) Cooperstown, NY, USA(1) Culver City, CA, USA(2) Dallas, TX, USA(1) Davis, CA, USA(2) Demos(1) Den Bosch, Holland(3) Den Haag, Holland(2) Denver, CO, USA(5) Detmold, Germany(1) Detroit, MI, USA(6) Deventer, Holland(1) Dikkele, Belgium(1) Diksmuide, Belgium(2) Donasti, Spain(1) Dorchester, MA(1) Dortmund, Germany(6) Dresden, Germany(1) Durango, Spain(2) Durham, NC, USA(2) Eagle Rock, CA, USA(1) East Setauket, Long Island, NY, USA(1) Egersund, Norway(9) Eindhoven, Holland(3) El Sereno, CA, USA(1) El Toro, CA, USA(1) Engelbert, Holland(1) Erfurt, Germany(1) Erlangen, Germany(1) Essen, Germany(1) Eugene, OR, USA(1) Europe(1) Evanston, IL, USA(3) Evanston. IL, USA(1) Ferndale, MI, USA(1) Ferrara, Italy(2) Fiorano Modenese (MO), Italy(1) Firenze, Italy(4) Forlí, Italy(1) Fort Worth, TX, USA(1) Frankfurt, Germany(16) Freehold, NJ, USA(2) Fresno, CA, USA(1) Frostburg, MD, USA(1) G?ppingen, Germany(1) Gallarate, Italy(1) Gardone Riviera, Italy(1) Geislingen, Germany(4) Gent, Belgium(3) Glasgow, U.K.(3) Glastonbury, U.K.(1) Glendale, CA, USA(4) Glenside, PA, USA(1) Glenwood Springs, CO, USA(1) Goes, Holland(1) Grand Rapids, MI, USA(1) Green Bay, WI, USA(1) Greensboro, NC, USA(1) Grevenbroich, Germany(1) Groningen, Holland(12) Gullegem, Belgium(1) Göppingen, Germany(2) Göteborg, Sweden(5) Haarlem, Holland(2) Halden, Norway(2) Halle, Germany(2) Hamburg, Germany(23) Hameln, Germany(3) Hann. Münden, Germany(1) Hannover, Germany(3) Harlesden, U.K.(4) Harrisburg, PA, USA(1) Hartberg, Austria(1) Hartford, CT, USA(1) Heilbronn, Germany(8) Helsinki, Finland(1) Heusden-Zolder, Belgium(1) Heythuysen, Holland(2) Heythuysen, Netherlands(1) Hightstown, NJ(1) Hightstown, NJ, USA(1) Hildesheim, Germany(3) Hilversum, Holland(11) Hoboken, NJ, USA(14) Hof, Germany(1) Hollywood, CA, USA(14) Horseshoe Tavern(1) Hoxton, U.K.(1) Hudson, NY, USA(1) Hultsfred, Sweden(2) Huntington Beach, CA, USA(1) Indianapolis, IN, USA(1) Innsbruck, Austria(1) Innsbrück, Austria(1) Ioannina, Greece(1) Isola di Liri , Ital(1) Ithaca, NY, USA(1) Jackson Heights, NY, USA(1) Jackson Heights, Queens, NY, USA(4) Jersey City, NJ USA(1) Jersey City, NJ, USA(2) K?ln, Germany(2) Kansas City, MO, USA(1) Karlsruhe, Germany(4) Kassel, Germany(1) Köln, Germany(3) KCRW Studio, Santa Monica, CA, USA(1) Kiel, Germany(1) Kotor, Montenegro(1) Kristiansstad, Norway(1) Kyoto, Japan(1) Köln, Germany(13) København, Denmark(17) La Penne-sur-Huveaune, France(1) Lago di Revine, Tarzo, Italy(1) Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA(1) Lampenhain, Germany(1) Langenau, Germany(3) Larissa, Greece(2) Latina, Italy(1) Leavenworth, KS, USA(1) Leeds, U.K.(2) Leeuwarden, Holland(1) Leiden, Holland(3) Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany(1) Lessines, Belgium(1) Leuven, Belgium(3) Leverkusen, Germany(1) Lewistown, PA, USA(1) Lichtenfels, Germany(2) Liége, Belgium(2) Liérganes. Spain(1) Lint, Belgium(2) Lisboa, Portugal(1) Liverpool, U.K.(1) Ljubljana, Slovenia(2) London, U.K.(22) Long Beach, CA, USA(4) Long Island City, NY, USA(7) Los Angeles(2) Los Angeles, CA, USA(108) Los Angeles, CA. USA(1) Louisville, KY, USA(1) Louvain , Belgium(1) Lugagnano Di Sona, Italy(1) Lugagnano, Italy(2) Lund, Sweden(3) Lungomare Zara, Italy(1) Madison, WI, USA(5) Madrid, Spain(11) Mallorca, Spain(1) Malmö, Sweden(8) Manchester, U.K.(2) Mapleton, IL, USA(1) Maquoketa, IA, USA(1) Marburg, Germany(5) Marina di Ravenna, Italy(1) Marseille, France(1) Masseik, Belgium(1) Mechanicsburg, PA, USA(1) Mechelen, Belgium(1) Melbourne, Australia(2) Menlo Park, CA(1) Menlo Park, CA, USA(1) Meolo, Italy(1) Mexico City, Mexico(1) Mezzago (MI), Italy(1) Mezzago, Italy(4) Miami Beach, FL, USA(1) Milano(1) Milano, Italy(14) Milwaukee, WI, USA(6) Minneapolis, MN, USA(11) Minneapolis, MN,USA(2) Modena, Italy(1) Montclair, NJ, USA(1) Montreal, Canada(1) Moorestown, NJ, USA(1) Muggia-Trieste, Italy(1) Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany(1) Mülheim, Germany(1) München, Germany(10) Münster, Germany(2) Napoli, Italy(2) Napoli.Italy(1) Nashville, TN, USA(3) Nederhorst Den Berg, Holland(1) Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Germany(1) Neustadt, Germany(1) New Haven, CT, USA(4) New Hope, PA, USA(1) New London, CT, USA(3) New Orleans, LA, USA(6) New York(3) New York City(1) New York City, NY, USA(63) New York, NY(1) New York, NY, USA(4) Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.(1) Nieuw Schoonebeek, Holland(1) Nijmegen, Holland(7) Nonantola (MO) Italy(1) Norderstedt, Germany(4) Nordhorn Germany(1) North Adams, MA, USA(2) Nottingham, U.K.(1) Novi Sad, Serbia(1) Nürnberg, Germany(11) Oakland, CA, USA(1) Odense, Denmark(8) Offenburg, Germany(1) Olgiate Comasco, Italy(1) Oostende, Belgium(3) Opwijk, Belgium(1) Oslo, Norway(26) Osmannoro FI, Italy(1) Ottersum, Holland(4) Oxford, UK(1) Oxted U.K.(1) Palo Alto, CA, USA(1) Pamplona, Spain(1) Paris, France(11) Passadena, CA, USA(1) Passaic, NJ, USA(1) Pavia, Italy(1) Peacedale, RI, USA(1) Perugia, Italy(1) Philadelphia, PA, USA(26) Phoenix, AZ, USA(3) Piacenza, Italy(1) Pireas, Greece(2) Pisa, Italy(1) Pittsbourgh, PA, USA(1) Portchester, NY, USA(1) Portland, ME, USA(1) Portland, OR, USA(10) Portsmouth, NH(1) Portsmouth, NH, USA(1) Pozzuoli, Italy(1) Providence, RI(1) Providence, RI, USA(3) Queens, NY USA(1) Raleigh, NC(1) Raleigh, NC, USA(3) Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA(2) Ravenna, Italy(4) Recanati, Italy(1) Red Bank, NJ, USA(1) Regensburg, Germany(4) Regio Emilia, Italy(1) Rehoboth Beach, DE, USA(2) Reseda, CA, USA(4) Richmond, VA, USA(6) Ridgefield, CT, USA(1) Rijkevorsel, Belgium(1) Ringwood, NJ, USA(1) Riverton, NJ, USA(1) Rochester, NY, USA(4) Rock Island, IL, USA(2) Roma, Italy(15) Roncade, Italy(1) Roskilde, Denmark(5) Rotterdam, Holland(4) Sacramento, CA, USA(1) Salt Lake City, UT, USA(1) San Diego(1) San Diego, CA, USA(6) San Franciscisco, CA, USA(1) San Francisco(1) San Francisco, CA, USA(25) San Gemini, Terni, Italy (1) San Juan Capistrano, CA, USA(1) San Sebastian, Spain(1) Santa Barbara, CA, USA(1) Santa Christina D'Aro, Spain(1) Santa Cruz, CA, USA(1) Santa Monica, CA, USA(23) Santiago, Spain(1) Sappemeer, Holland(3) Savignano Sul Rubicone FC, Italy(1) Savona, Italy(2) Scandiano, Italy(1) Scheuer, Germany(1) Scottsdale, AZ, USA(1) Seattle, WA, USA(12) Segrate MI, Italy(1) Sellersville, PA, USA(2) Sesto Calende, Italy(1) Sestri Levante, Italy(1) Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan(1) Sierra Madre, CA, USA(1) Solingen, Germany(2) Somerville, MA, USA(2) Spain(2) St. Augustine, FL, USA(1) St. Kilda, Australia(1) St. Louis, MO, USA(10) St. Paul, MN, USA(1) Stavanger, Norway(1) Stockholm(1) Stockholm, Sweden(10) Stuttbart, Germany(1) Stuttgart, Germany(4) Sydney, Australia(4) Sydney, NSW, Australia(1) Syracuse, NY, USA(2) Tacoma, WA, USA(1) Tempe(1) Tempe, AZ, USA(2) Thessaloniki, Greece(4) Tilburg, Holland(1) Todos Santos, Mexico(21) Tokyo, Japan(7) Tongeren, Belgium(2) Torino, Italy(8) Toronto, Canada(6) Toronto, ON, Canada(1) Toulouse, France(1) Trieste, Italy(1) Tromsø, Norway(2) Trondheim, Norway(6) Tucson, AZ, USA(1) Turku, Finland(1) Tuscon(1) Tuscon, AZ, USA(1) TV-show, Italy(1) University of California, Davis, CA, USA(1) University of California, Davis, USA(1) Unknown City, Spain(1) Utrecht(1) Utrecht, Holland(12) Vadsø, Norway(4) Valencia, Spain(3) Vancouver, BC, Canada(2) Vasto, Chieti, Italy(1) Vasto, Italy(1) Venezia, Italy(1) Verona, Italy(2) Vienna, VA, USA(2) Virginia Beach, VA, USA(1) Vitoria, Spain(2) Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain(1) Wageningen, Holland(1) Waregem, Belgium(1) Washington DC(3) Washington DC, USA(4) Washington, DC, USA(5) Weinheim, Germany(1) Wesel, Germany(1) West Hollywood, CA, USA(1) Westerbroek, Holland(1) Westwood, CA, USA(1) WFUV Public Radio(1) Wien, Austria(5) Wildwood, NJ, USA(1) Worcester, MA, USA(1) Yale, CT, USA(1) Zagreb, Croatia(2) Zaragoza, Spain(5) Zoetermeer, Holland(1) Zwolle, Holland(1) Zürich, Switzerland(3) Ålesund, Norway(1) Šibenik, Croatia(1)
1313 Mockingbird Lane(1) 1E35 Club(1) 1e35circa(1) 1st Avenue(1) 2-Meter Sessions(5) 2001 Garage Rock Club(1) 23 East Cabaret(1) 40 Watt Club(4) 400 Bar(2) 4AD(2) 9:30 Club(4) ?(4) A.R.M.(1) AB(1) AB Club(1) Abbey Pub(1) Ace of Cups(1) Ackerman Hall(2) Adams Ave Theatre(1) Agora Ballroom(1) Al's Bar(3) Alabamahalle(2) Alaska(1) Alberta Street Pub(1) Alex Theatre(3) All'UnaeTrentacinqueCirca(1) Alligator Lounge(1) Alsos(1) Alte Malzerei(1) Alte Mälzerei(3) Altxerri Jazz Bar(1) Amanda's(1) Amoeba Music(1) Ancienne Belgique(3) Annoyance Theater(1) Anti Club(1) Aragon Ballroom(2) Arci Progresso(1) Arena(5) Arena Cappuccini(1) Arena Sonica Festival(2) Arenberg Schouwburg(1) Argus, Hultsfredfestivalen(1) Aron's Records(1) Athfest(1) Audioglobe's Warehouse(1) Audition(2) Auditorium Conservatorio Domenico Cimarosa(1) Auditorium Montecchio(1) Auditorium New Orleans(1) Axis(1) Azkena Festival(1) Backstage(1) Bad(3) Bahnhof Langendreer(1) Bain Douches(1) Balcony at the Trocadero(1) Bam Festival(1) Band On The Wall(2) Bar Moskus(1) Bardavon(1) Barfly(1) Batschkapp(1) Bürgerhaus Böckingen(1) Beach Club(2) Beaches Brew Festival(1) Beachland Ballroom(3) Beachland Tavern(1) Beacon Theater(2) Bebop(1) Bebop Records(2) Bell House(1) Berkeley Square(1) Berlin Guitars(1) Betial Market(1) Big Mama(7) Bilborock(1) Bing Lounge(1) Bishop Hill Creative Commons(1) Black Cat(1) Blah Blah(1) Bloom(5) Blue Monk(1) Blue Note(1) Blue Shell(1) Boerpop Festival(1) Bogart's(3) Bondi Beach(1) Boom di Mezzago(1) Borderline(1) Botanique(2) Bottom Of The Hill(1) Bowery Ballroom(4) Bowery Electric(3) Brebl (Honigfabriek)(1) Brixton Windmill(1) Bronson(1) Brooklyn Made(2) Brownies(1) Brudenell Social Club(1) Bukta Festival(1) Bullet Sound Studio(1) Bullit Record Store(1) Bumbershoot(1) Burgerweeshuis(1) Bügerhaus Böckingen(1) Bürgerhaus Böckingen(3) C-Boy's Heart & Soul(1) Ca' Verde(1) Cabaret Metro(2) Cactus Cafe(1) Cactus Festival(1) Cafe 9(1) Cafe Central(1) Cafe De Roemer(1) Cafe Du Nord(1) Cafe Manuscript(1) Cafe Mono(2) Café Rossetti(1) Café Stückgut(1) Cafe Trianon(3) Cantrels(1) Capitol(1) Capitol Theatre(1) Casbah(1) Cat's Cradle(2) Cathay De Grande(3) CBGB's(1) CBGC's(1) CD World (1) Cedar Cultural Center(1) Centre Barbara Fleury Goutte-d’Or (FGO)(1) Channel(1) Charley's Obsession(1) Chasens(1) Cheapo's Records(1) Chelsea(1) Chelsea Bar(1) Chelsia(2) Cherrydon(1) Chestnut Cabaret(3) Chilton House(2) Chimp Factory(6) Chrougen(1) Church(3) Cinema Bar(2) Circolo Arci Bellezza(1) Circolo Hemingway(1) Circolo Magnolia(2) Circustent(1) City Winery(6) City Winery Loft(1) Civic(1) Clatter Cafe(1) Club 529(2) Club Congress(1) Club Explosivo(1) Club Il Giardino(2) Club Lek, Studio Amstel(1) Club Lingerie(5) Coach House(1) Cobra(1) Coca-Cola Roxy(1) Codfish Hollow Barn(1) Coffeehouse(1) Colours(1) Commodore Ballroom(1) Concert Hall(1) Concerts In The Studio(2) Congreso(1) Continental Club(2) Cookys(1) Cooperage at UCLA(1) Coors Field(1) Corallo(1) Corona Home Concert(3) Corte Mole Vanvitelliana(1) Cortile Broletto(1) Cottan(1) Cotton Club(1) Countdown Café(2) Country Club(3) Cox18(1) Cricketers(1) Crocodile Café(2) Crossroad Club(1) Cruise Café(3) Cultureel Podium Roepaen(4) Cultuurcentrum Achterolmen(1) Cumberland County Civic Center(1) daFestival #2(1) Daily's Melody(1) Dama Di(1) Das Bett(1) Davai Flor Baja(1) David Barron's House(1) De Engelstede(1) De Laatste Show(1) De Singer(1) De Smelt(1) De Tibbe(3) De Velinx(1) De Witte Bal(1) Debaser(2) Degustazioni Musicali Umbria(1) Deluxe @ Old National Centre(1) Democrazy(1) Demos(9) Die Bäckerei(1) Dingwalls(4) District(1) Dogfish Head(1) Dogfish Head Brewery(1) Dom(1) Dom Omlad(1) Don Hill’s(1) Doornroosje(3) Dorpshuis(1) Double Door(1) Doug Fir(2) Doug Fir Lounge(1) Down On The Farm Festival(1) Drei Königskeller(1) Drew's House(1) Duck Room(2) Duende(1) Duranwop Festival(2) Durham Bulls Athletic Park(1) E-Werk(1) Earth(1) Ed Sullivan Theatre(1) Edenlessbar(1) Edificio Constitución 1812(1) Effenaar(2) EJ's(1) Ekko(3) El Lokal(3) El Mocambo(1) El Rey Theater(1) El Sol(3) Eldorado Studios(1) Electric Ballroom(1) Elektropionir(1) Elysée Montmartre(1) Empty Bottle(1) Errols(1) Euclid Records(3) Eureka(1) Exit In(1) Expo Waregem(1) Extra(1) Fabrik(1) Fahrradkeller(1) Federal Penitentiary(1) Feierwerk im Hansapalast(1) Festa dell'Unità(1) Festival(1) Fez(1) Fillmore(2) First Avenue(1) Fitzgerald's(1) Flapper & Firkin(1) Fletcher's(1) Flood Zone(1) Fluor(1) Flynn's(1) Folk City(3) Folk Club(1) Folk å Rock(1) Folketeateret(1) Forum(2) Fox Theater(1) Frannz-Club(1) Frantonio Delle Idee(1) Freadom(1) Freakout (2) Fuoro Gigi(1) Fuzz Club(1) Fuzz Live Music Club(1) FZW(4) Gagarin 205(1) Garage(2) Garcia's at the Capitol Theater(1) Garrison's(1) Gasthaus Heiss(1) Gazarte Roof Stage(1) Gebäude 9(1) Germi(1) Get Records(1) Gigant(2) Glastonbury Festival(1) Gleiss 22(1) Gloria(1) Godot(1) Good Skates Roller Rink, Port Haven Music Hall(1) Granada Threatre(1) Grand Circus Theater(1) Grand Kjelleren(3) Grand Scene(1) Grandstand Theater(1) Great American Music Hall(1) Great Scott(1) Grey Eagle(1) Guild Theatre(1) Hana-bi(1) Handelshøyskole(1) Hanna Bi, Beaches Brew(1) Hard Rock Café(1) Harlows(1) Harmonie(2) Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center(1) Haus Der Jugend(1) Havana Club(1) Have A Nice Day Cafe(1) Helsinki(1) Hen & Chicken(1) Herman's Glasshouse(1) Het Depot(3) Het Groot Verzet(1) Hideaway(1) Hideaway BBQ(1) High Watt(1) Hiroshima Mon Amour(1) Hirosjima(1) HO*F FM(1) Hoboken Street Fair(1) Hocofest(1) Hollywood Palladium(1) Horseshoe(1) Horseshoe Tavern(1) Hotel California(2) Hotel Hulingen(1) House Concert(9) House of Wine and Roses(1) Houseconcert(1) Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome(1) Hug and Pint(2) Hulen(1) Hunky Dory(1) Huset(5) Husets Musikteater(3) Hygenic Art Park(1) Hygienic Art Park(2) I Beam(3) Ice Station Vadsø(2) Ideal Bar Vega(1) Il Giardino(1) Il Magazzino di Gilgamesch(1) Il Posto(1) In Square Men's Bar(1) Innings Festival(1) Iota(1) Irving Plaza(1) Jack's Music Shoppe(1) Jammin' Java(2) Jarmusch Club(1) Jerico Tavern(1) Jimmy's(2) John D(1) John Dee(2) John Fenlin Ballroom (1) Jovita's(1) Jubez(4) Jugendzentrum KARO(1) Jukebox Record Store(1) Jumpin' Club(1) K4 Club(2) Kafe Antzoki(1) Kammerspiele(1) Kamp(2) Kantine(1) Kapilio(1) Kardomah Cafe(2) Kashmir(2) KB(2) KC Grad(1) KCRW S*N*A*P(1) KCRW SNAP(1) KCRW Studio, Santa Monica, CA(1) KCRW studios(4) KDVS Studio A(1) Kerckhoff Coffee House, UCLA(1) Keswick Theater(1) KEXP(1) KEXP Studio(2) KFZ(3) KFZ (Open Air)(1) KGB(1) Kiki's House of Righteous Music(1) Kiki's House of Righteous Music, Madison, WI, USA(1) King Tuts(1) KLAX Radio(1) Knitting Factory AlterKnit Lounge(2) Knitting Factory at Baker Falls(1) Knopf's Music Hall(1) Knust(10) Komm(1) Kostbar(1) KPFK Studios(1) Kulturbolaget(3) Kulturfabrik(2) KUTX Studio(1) Kveldsåpent(1) KXLU Studios(1) KXLU-FM(2) Kägelbanan Södra Teatern(1) L'Escalier(1) La Cana Shimokitazawa(1) La Casilla(1) La Locomotive(1) La Lune dans le Caniveau(1) Laboratorium(3) Lace Gallery(1) Lafayette(1) Lake Arrowhead Village Center Stage(1) Lakeside Lounge(6) Las Armas(1) Last Train(1) Le Bikini(1) Le Bukowski(1) Le Jam(1) Le Mura(1) Le Petit Bain(1) Le Spectrum(1) Leverkusen Jazztage(1) LGB(1) Liberty Lunch(1) Life is a Minestrone(1) Lille Vega(1) Lincoln Hall(1) Lincoln Theatre(1) Linde(1) Lingerie Club(1) Link's Hall(1) Live Club Trezzo Sul'adda(1) Live Station(1) Livestock(1) Lo-Fi(1) Local 269(1) Local Pub'(1) Loco Club(2) Locomotiv(1) Locomotiv Club(1) Loft(2) Loggia dei Lanzi di Piazza della Signoria(1) Logo(1) Lola(1) Loppen(10) Los Picos(1) Lottagono Oratorio San Paolo(1) Lounge Ax(1) Luna Lounge(1) Luna Lunera Festival(1) Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel(1) Lutherse Kerk(1) Luxor(1) Luz De Gas(2) LVC(2) Lyric Room(1) Mabel's(1) Mables(1) Madam Felle(2) Madison Square Garden(1) Magasinet(3) Magnetic Field(1) Magnolia(1) Mamamu Bar(1) Manitoba's(1) Manuscript(2) Mardi Gras Club(1) Markthalle(2) Marktkeller(1) Marktrock(1) Marquee(1) Martyr's(1) Marx Club(1) Mary Costello Show(2) Mass MoCA(1) Massey Hall(1) Mavri Tripa(1) Maxim(1) Maxim's(2) Maxwell's(13) McBride Park Central Park(1) McCabe's Guitar Shop(16) MEC Staf Versluys(1) Melkweg(3) Mellow Johnny's Bike Shop(1) Melody(1) Melodybox(1) Mercury Cafe(1) Mercury Lounge(16) Metropolis Collective(1) Metropolitan Museum of Art(1) Middle East(1) Middle East Café(1) Milestone Club(1) Milestones(1) Minnett Hall(1) Mission Theater(1) Mississippi Studios(1) Moby Dick(2) Mocca(1) Mocca Café(1) Mochvara(1) Moderna Museets Trädgard(1) Molly Malone's Irish Pub(1) Momo's(2) Monk(2) Montmatre(1) Moorestown Music Collective(1) Moskus(1) Motorco(1) Mountain Stage(1) MTC(4) Muffathalle(1) Muggia-Trieste(1) Mungåt(1) Museo De Rock(1) Music Box(2) Music Hall(2) Music Machine(6) Music Star(4) Music Works(1) Musikcafeen(2) Musiktheater Piano(1) Musikwerkstatt(2) MUZEcafe(1) Mylos(2) Mythos Club(1) Nachtleben(1) Naima(1) Nalen(1) Negativ(2) Neighborhoods(1) Neumanns(1) Neumos(1) New Age Underground Club(1) New Melody Kungsträdgården(1) New Memorial Auditorium(1) NHH(1) Niedermühlenkamp(1) Nightclub 930(2) Nijdrop(1) Nita's Hideaway(1) Nkc Park(1) Nochtspeicher(1) Norman(1) Norsk Roxkring Kasting & Co(1) North Star Bar(1) Northrop Auditorium (University Of Minnesota)(1) Notes Live(1) NRK Studie 20(1) Nublu(1) O'Kayz Corral(1) Objekt 5(1) Objekt5(1) Odeon(4) Off Broadway(3) Officina Estragon(1) Officine Creative Ansaldo(1) Old Town School(1) Old Waldorf(1) ON Klub(1) Once(1) Onkel Pö(1) Open Air, Monte S. Giovanni(1) Oriental Theater(1) Orpheum Theater(2) Outdoors concert stage(1) Outpost in the Burbs(1) Paard(2) Pacific(1) Palace Theatre(1) Palladium(1) Pandora Festival, De Doelen(1) Panorama Museum(1) Para(2) Paradise(1) Paradiso(7) Parco Chico Mendez(1) Parco Pisa(1) Park West(1) Pavilion Towers Ballroom(1) Paycheck's Lounge(1) Peabody's(1) Peabodys Down Under(1) Penn's Landing(1) Peoria Sports Complex(1) Peppermint Lounge(1) Peter Buck's house(1) Pflegehofsaal(1) Pfleghofsaal(1) Planète Mars(1) Plastico Elastico(1) Plato Record Shop(2) Plato Recordshop(2) Podium 't Beest(1) Point State Park(1) Polaris Hall(1) Pop Vintage Boutique(1) Popwerk Festival(1) Posten(1) Prego Club(1) Price House(1) Prince Of Wales(1) Privat Club(1) Privatclub(1) Pub Sparta(1) Pustervik(1) Pusterviksbaren(1) Q-Bus(1) Quasimodo(1) Queen Elizabeth Theatre(1) R?tsche(1) Radio 3(2) Radio Citta Futura(1) Radio Eins(1) Radio Papolare(1) Radio Sendesaal(1) Radio Stad(1) Radio X Studios(1) Rain Dogs House(1) Rainbow Music Hall(1) Raindogs House(1) Raji's(1) Rams Head On Stage(1) Randy Now's Man Cave(1) Randy?s Man Cave(1) Rats(1) Raumfahrtzentrum Saarner Kuppe(1) Raumfahrtzenzentrum Saarner Kuppe(1) Record Bar(1) Red River(2) Reflektor(1) Rehearsals(34) Renfe(1) Reservoir CLub(1) Rex Club(1) Rhino Records(1) Rhino Records Shop(3) Ricks(1) Rissmiller's(1) Rittersaal(1) Ritz(1) Rock & Roll Hotel(1) Rock and Blues(1) Rock Island Brewing Company(2) Rock Planet(1) Rockefeller(3) Rockefeller Music Hall(1) Rodon Club(2) Roots(2) Roots and Roses Festival(1) Roots Cafe - Seidel's Bowling Alley(1) Roots Hoot Swamp Stomp(1) Roskilde Festival(5) Rotown(3) Rotplombe(1) Rough Trade(5) Rough Trade East(1) Rough Trade Record Store(1) Roughs(1) Royal Oak Music Theater(1) RPM Club(1) Ruisrock(1) Rumah Rock Festival(1) Rust(2) Ruvido(1) Rühersaall(1) Rytmeposten(7) Råhuset(1) Rätsche(2) Rätschenmuhle(1) Räucherei(1) Rød Herregård(1) S.P.A.C.E.(2) SABR National Convention - Palmer House Hotel(1) Safari Sam(1) Sal Marna(1) Sala BBK(2) Sala el cortijo(1) Sala En Bruto(1) Sala Estense(1) Sala Fun House(1) Sala Neu Club(1) Sala The End(1) Salty Dog(3) Salty Dog Saloon(1) Santana 27(1) Sardine's(1) Saturn(1) Scavenger Records(1) Schlachthof(1) Schlachthof Kulturbetrieb Hamburg gmbh(1) Schuba's(1) Schubas Tavern(1) Scorgies(2) SeaRock festival(1) Seaveys' Kingdom of Music(1) Secret Show(1) Segnali Di Fumo(1) Sellersville Theater(1) Sellersville Theatre(1) Sentrum Scene(1) Shea Center(1) Shibuya Kokaido(2) Sidro Club(1) Silk City(1) Silodam(1) Simrock Bar(1) Simrockbar(1) Sin-E(1) Sinkkasten(8) Slim's(2) Smålands Nation(1) Soap Creek Saloon(1) Soda Bar(2) Solid Sound Festival(1) Sorpasso(1) Space(2) Spaceland(1) Spanish Ballroom(1) Spazio 211(1) Spazio Musica(1) Spazio211(1) Spirit Nightclub(1) Spitalkeller(1) Sportpaleis(1) Square(2) St Pancras Old Church(1) St. Augustine Amphitheater(1) Stadtgarten(1) Stage(1) Stage Club(1) Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji(1) Star Theater(1) Starclub(1) Starry Night(1) State Fairgrounds Coliseum(1) Stengade 30(1) Strade Blue Festival(1) Strange Matter(1) Street Fair(1) Strossa(1) Stubb's(1) Studentersamfundet(2) Studio(7) studio (rough mix)(1) Studio A(1) Studio Brussel(1) Studio M. Stables(1) Substanz(2) Subterania(1) Subway(1) Summerfest Rockstage(1) Sumpfblume(3) Sun Station Vadsø(2) Sunset Tavern(1) Swiss Cultural Center(1) Swordfish & Friend(1) SXSW(1) SXSW 2022, Hotel Vegas(1) SXSW 2022, Lucy’s Fried Chicken(1) SXSW 2022, St. David’s Church(1) SXSW 2022, The Pershing(1) SXSW 2022, White Horse(1) SXSW 2022, Yard Dog(1) Südstadt(2) Takutaku(1) Tambourin Gallery(1) Tannahill's Tavern & Music Hall(1) Target Field (Twins Game)(1) Tavastia Club(1) Teatre Lloseta(1) Teatro Arena Conchiclia(1) Teatro Astoria(1) Teatro Aurora(1) Teatro Basilica(1) Teatro Dal Verme(1) Teatro Palladium(1) Teatro Rasi(1) Teatro Rossetti(2) Telegrafen(1) Tenax(2) Tentastudio(1) Teragram Ballroom(1) Terminal West(1) Terraneo Festival(1) Texas Records(1) The 400 Bar(1) The 53rd Venice Film Festival(1) The Alex Theatre(1) The Bamboo Bar, Hotel Colorado(1) The Barn Theater(1) The Bell House(2) The Birchmere(1) The Borderline(3) The Bowery Ballroom(3) The Bowery Electric(5) The Brewery(1) The Broadberry(1) The Brudenell(1) The Casbah(2) The Catalyst(1) The Chapel(1) The Cluny(1) The Coffee House(2) The Comedy Club(1) The Continental Club(1) The Crystal Ballroom(1) The Current(1) The Double Door(1) The Duck Pond(1) The Earl(3) The Echo(2) The Echoplex(2) The Elbo Room(1) The End(1) The Fillmore(3) The Fleece(1) The Fonda Theatre(1) The Funky Biscuit(1) The Ginger Man(2) The Gr. Am. Music Hall(1) The Grand(1) The Great American Music Hall(1) The Grog Shop(1) The Grotto(1) The Guild Theatre(1) The Hamilton(2) The Happy Dog(1) The Haunt(1) The Hideout(1) The House Concert(1) The Independent(2) The Jacaranda Veranda(2) The Jane Weber Show(1) The Kendall Café(1) The Kennel Club(1) The Keystone Club(1) The Khyber(2) The Knitting Factory(2) The Lexington(3) The Lhasa(3) The Living Room(2) The Lodge(1) The Low Boat(1) The Mabuhay Gardens(1) The Magic Bag(1) The Make Out Room(1) The Make-Out Room(1) The Mean Fiddler(4) The Michigan Union(1) The Middle East Upstairs(1) The Neptune Theatre(1) The New Parish(1) The Orpheum Theatre(1) The Palace(1) The Paradise(1) The Paramount Theater(1) The Playpen(1) The Pressroom(2) The Pyramid Scheme(1) The Rat(1) The Record Collector(2) The Rescue Rooms(1) The Ridgefield Playhouse(1) The rijwielherstelplaats Het Groot Verzet(1) The Roxy(4) The Saint(1) The Sando(1) The Secret Theatre(1) The Sinclair(1) The Southern(1) The Stag's Head Music Hall(1) The Star Bar(2) The Star Palace(1) The Store(1) The Sunset(1) The Tin Angel(1) The Tractor(1) The Troubadour(4) The Underground(2) The Voice(1) The Vox(1) The Whirling Tiger(1) The Wild Honey House Concert(1) The Woodhouse(1) The Zzzz(1) Theater Romein(1) Theatre Barbey(1) Tiki Bar(5) Tin Angel(3) Tipitina's(2) Tivoli(8) Toad's Place(1) Todos Santos Music Festival(14) Todos Santos Music Festival, Hotel California(3) Todos Santos Music Festival, Town Square(2) Tolhuistuin(1) Tom Tom(1) TomTom(2) Toronto, ON, Canada(1) Tower Records(1) Tower Theater(2) Town And Country Club(1) Tractor Tavern(2) Tramps(2) Trenta Formiche(1) Tsubaki House(1) TT The Bear's(5) Tupelo's Tavern(1) Turf Club(1) Turner Hall Ballroom(1) Turnhallen(1) TV(1) TVE(1) Uebel & Gefährlich(2) Uline Warehouse Stage(1) Underground(4) Underworld(1) Unitas(1) Universal(1) Unknown Venue(12) Unplugged in Monti(1) Unter Deck(1) Ursa(1) Utopia(1) Variety Arts Center(1) Variety Theater(1) various stages(1) Varsity Theatre(1) Veakio Amphitheatre(2) Velinx(1) Velvet Rock Club(1) Vera(8) Veronica studios(1) Vertigo Galeria(1) Vier Linden(1) Villingen(1) Viper Room(1) Virgin Megastore(1) Virtual Sundays(1) Vittoriale(1) Vox Club(2) VPRO Radio, Studio Amstel(3) VPRO studio's(1) VPRO studios(2) Wah Wah Club(1) War Memorial Auditorium(1) Warfield Theater(1) Warner Theatre(1) Was(1) Waschtag(1) Wespstraat(1) West Hartford Agora Ballroom(1) WFMU(2) WFMU RECORD FAIR(1) WFMU Studio(1) Whiskey A Go Go(2) WHYY Connections Festival(1) Wild Honey Foundation Backyard Amphitheatre(1) Wildflowers Armory(1) Willem II(2) Wolfgang's(1) Wolfgangs(1) Wood House Concert(1) Woolsey Hall(1) World Cafe Live(8) Wuxtry Records(1) WWW(2) XPoNential Festival(1) Yarddog 30th(1) ZadEck(1) Zaders(1) Zeche(1) Zeche Carl(1) Zentral(1) Zentralcafé(1) Zentralcafe im K4(2) ZooBar(1)
4th annual Lou Reed tribute(1) 7th annual Lou Reed tribute(1) 99th Floor by Lenny Kaye & Nuggets 50th Band(1) Alejandro Escovedo(1) Alejandro Escovedo and the Rant Band(1) Baseball Project(1) Chris Cacavas(1) Chris Forsyth(1) Concrete Blonde(1) Dan Montgomery(1) Danny & Dusty(14) Dream Syndicate(454) Drivin' n' Cryin'(1) Drivin’ N Cryin’(1) Giant Sand(1) Green On Red(2) Gutterball(99) Ian Hunter(1) Jeff Tweedy(1) Kevin Kinney(2) Mike Mills(1) Pat Thomas(2) R.E.M.(2) Remake/Remodel(1) Rich Hopkins(1) Robyn Hitchcock(1) Smack Dab(1) Song Circle(3) Songs With Other Strangers(4) Steve Wynn(82) Steve Wynn & Australian Blonde(3) Steve Wynn & Bob Forrest(1) Steve Wynn & Chris Cacavas(36) Steve Wynn & Dave DeCastro(1) Steve Wynn & English Teeth(2) Steve Wynn & Erik van Loo(8) Steve Wynn & Friends(2) Steve Wynn & Jason Victor(8) Steve Wynn & John Wesley Harding(2) Steve Wynn & Linda Pitmon(16) Steve Wynn & Mike Mills(1) Steve Wynn & Peter Buck(1) Steve Wynn & Piv Huvluv(4) Steve Wynn & Robert Lloyd(1) Steve Wynn & the Dragon Bridge Orchestra(7) Steve Wynn & The Miracle 3(136) Steve Wynn (solo)(198) Steve Wynn Quartet(88) Steve Wynn Quartet with Marty Willson-Piper(1) Steve Wynn Quintet(112) Steve Wynn Sixtet(13) Steve Wynn with Chris Brocaw & Dave DeCastro(2) Steve Wynn with Silver & the Hidden Cash(1) Steve Wynn, Chris Cacavas & Eric van Loo(1) Steve Wynn, Chris Cacavas & Erik van Loo(5) Steve Wynn, Jason Victor & Chris Cacavas(1) The Amygdaloids(1) The Baseball Project(131) The Dream Syndicate(1) The Fleshtones(1) The Giant Syndicate(1) The Minus 5(3) The Suspects(3) Twin Tones(1) US Rails(1) Various(4) Walk On Project Band(1) Wild Honey Orchestra(2) Yo La Tengo(1)
© All rights for music and text on these pages belongs to Steve Wynn